What's strange about the name plates? They look like the ones they always have in the Netherlands.
genuine picture from a convention in holland.
what will tony say?!.
What's strange about the name plates? They look like the ones they always have in the Netherlands.
genuine picture from a convention in holland.
what will tony say?!.
I wish you did know, because I would have one more apostate friend that I know irl :-D
And I don't care much if I'm outed. Everyone who knows me knows I'm out anyway. And while I'm not DFed/DAed after last convention that might not make a difference anymorr either.
It's just that finding out my activities here would very much upset my wife, and I'd like to prevent that from happening :-D
genuine picture from a convention in holland.
what will tony say?!.
Maybe change topic to members only section? ;-) This topic is visible to all.
Or edit your posts to make sure you're not discovered (if you want to avoid that)
genuine picture from a convention in holland.
what will tony say?!.
@rpt....yeah I wonder when he will wake up.
He's not about following the JW rules at all.
Sometimes I wonder if he even cares about (this) religion...
genuine picture from a convention in holland.
what will tony say?!.
Apparently, there's more where this is coming from...
genuine picture from a convention in holland.
what will tony say?!.
Oooh I know tulip guy. If anyone asks, I'll ferociously deny we're related in any way.
Last convention he wore a white suit with matching hat and cane, like a mafia boss of old time :-D
To be fair, this is
after fading for roughly a year now there's some good and some bad.
the bad.
it is becoming increasingly difficult to go to meetings.
My anniversary is also next month :-D
today at the utrecht international convention in holland there was no "word in spanish" about dissassociation.. "we avoid any contact with dissassociated witnesses.
not only sinners, but in a broader perspective, also inactive witnesses".. there was a lot of noise in the hall direct after that moment.. so, no fading escape in the near future, i expect.. g..
Thanks for the update Gorby.
My wife and in-laws were in Zwolle but they probably heard similar bullsh...sadly. Anyway, I'm thinking about forcing the few JW friends I have left into showing their face by contacting them next week to get together...
Did they play the shunning video where Sonya is kicked out of the house by her dad and her mother doesn't answer the phone?
every time isis commit one of their atrocities, well-meaning folks mumble self-loathing apologies on behalf of "the west".
noam chomsky and his sort lead a chorus of masochistic confessions.
apparently everybody is to blame for islamic terrorism (according to bill nye global warming causes isis) - apart from islamic terrorists of course.
Why does Isis do terrorism? Their own answer: we hate you because you're not Muslims. Everything else is a secondary cause.
So, bringing the question and answer to an arena we all know very well:
Ask them if Watchtower commanding them to to all this has anything to do with it. Of course not, they'll say.
Even their own magazines state the reasons why they do these crazy things.
Yet we know better. They would do none of all that if not for being coerced and fooled into obeying Watchtower.
Should we take propaganda from Watchterrorist and Allahwake! at face value then? No. The Isis magazine can be expected to be just as wrong as JW literature.
So, why do Isis do terrorism? My guess: because a relatively small group of powerhungry, religious idiots have 'brainwashed' others into believing they hate non-muslims for being non-muslims only...and not because they were told to hate them by the Governing Terrorist of the day.
looking for some material to post on facebook or at least share with my wife to somewhat inoculate her mind before the convention this weekend.. found this gem...it's as if the writers are apostates reasoning against the tactics used at this years convention.....(probably old news to many here....quite new for me).. the cunning propagandist loves such shortcuts—especially those that short-circuit rational thought.
propaganda encourages this by agitating the emotions, by exploiting insecurities, by capitalizing on the ambiguity of language, and by bending rules of logic.
as history bears out, such tactics can prove all too effective.. [...].
Looking for some material to post on Facebook or at least share with my wife to somewhat inoculate her mind before the convention this weekend.
Found this gem...it's as if the writers are apostates reasoning against the tactics used at this years convention.....(probably old news to many here....quite new for me).
The cunning propagandist loves such shortcuts—especially those that short-circuit rational thought. Propaganda encourages this by agitating the emotions, by exploiting insecurities, by capitalizing on the ambiguity of language, and by bending rules of logic. As history bears out, such tactics can prove all too effective.
Another very successful tactic of propaganda is generalization. Generalizations tend to obscure important facts about the real issues in question, and they are frequently used to demean entire groups of people.
Some people insult those who disagree with them by questioning character or motives instead of focusing on the facts. Name-calling slaps a negative, easy-to-remember label onto a person, a group, or an idea. The name-caller hopes that the label will stick. If people reject the person or the idea on the basis of the negative label instead of weighing the evidence for themselves, the name-caller’s strategy has worked.
[...]Even though feelings might be irrelevant when it comes to factual claims or the logic of an argument, they play a crucial role in persuasion. Emotional appeals are fabricated by practiced publicists, who play on feelings as skillfully as a virtuoso plays the piano.
For example, fear is an emotion that can becloud judgment.
[...]Hatred is a strong emotion exploited by propagandists. Loaded language is particularly effective in triggering it. There seems to be a nearly endless supply of nasty words that promote and exploit hatred toward particular racial, ethnic, or religious groups.
Thus, such symbolisms as the fatherland, the mother country, or the mother church are valuable tools in the hands of the shrewd persuader.
So the sly art of propaganda can paralyze thought, prevent clear thinking and discernment, and condition individuals to act en masse. How can you protect yourself?
THERE is a difference—a big difference—between education and propaganda. Education shows you how to think. Propaganda tells you what to think. Good educators present all sides of an issue and encourage discussion. Propagandists relentlessly force you to hear their view and discourage discussion. Often their real motives are not apparent. They sift the facts, exploiting the useful ones and concealing the others. They also distort and twist facts, specializing in lies and half-truths. Your emotions, not your logical thinking abilities, are their target.
The propagandist makes sure that his message appears to be the right and moral one and that it gives you a sense of importance and belonging if you follow it. You are one of the smart ones, you are not alone, you are comfortable and secure—so they say.[...]
If “authorities” are used, who or what are they? Why should you regard this person—or organization or publication—as having expert knowledge or trustworthy information on the subject in question? If you sense some appeal to emotions, ask yourself, ‘When viewed dispassionately, what are the merits of the message?’
But this article was in fact in Awake!
Are these writers so dense and blind, or really really dishonest and creepy?